Kindergartenus Abacus Summus

Last Friday my son graduated from kindergarten. They did a great job with diplomas and all, but just before they were presented with their diplomas, the kids were allowed to present something to their class and their parents. This presentation took many forms. Some kids sang songs. Others read from a journal the teacher asked them to keep, and still others read stories.

But not my son, when it was his turn to present something, he ran and got the bead square. The bead square is an abacus-like device with four rows of 10 beads in a square frame. With it he demonstrated to the class how to add 1374 to 261. Four digit addition … WITH A CARRY! That was the coolest. He deftly counted out the 1374 and proceeded with the add making a ring finger carry into the 100s digit, and crossed the finish line with 1635. Holy proud daddies batman! Hopefully this will be just the beginning of his math career.

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