Day 5. Vancouver.

Today was a marathon day where we raced from Sol Duc Hot Springs on the Olympic peninsula to Auntie Erin’s place in Vancouver, BC.  For the most part the drive was beautifully dulling.  It seems that my senses are not as amazed by the endless count of trees and the multitude of streams, rivers, lakes, bays, sounds, and oceans as I was four days ago.  The drive blurred by in a river or murky green and brown and blue.  Well, maybe the ferry ride from Kingston to Edmonds was a little exciting.

It was the first time that my kids were old enough to enjoy the ferry ride.  The whole car-on-a-boat thing, the wind-in-your-face-at-the-bow, and the walk-as-fast-as-the-boat-is-moving illusion.  Great fun and even a GPS track to relive the adventure.

That night we had sushi at Tsunami’s in Vancouver.  Vancouver sushi is oh so much better than the Tucson fare.  I get a little used to the desert sushi which is always labeled ‘fresh’, but is at best a B- when compared with a coastal cosmopolitan city. Tsunami’s was great.  They even had the little boats floating by burdened with the labors of the sushi chefs which my kids thoroughly enjoyed.  Boats who’s load was always lighter on the downstream side.

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