Two days to go.

I’ve heard it time and again. People believe that somehow McCain will have a last minute comeback and win the 2008 presidential election. Whether its a matter of last minute changing your vote to the conservative old white guy or bowing down the the McCain jump, democrats are worried that they will lose this election. And with it the hope of a new future.

In 2000 Bush took the election away from Gore. Gore had more votes overall votes in the presidential election (which, of course, does not count in our democratic republic) and, if the votes were to be counted correctly (voter intent), the greater electoral votes. This led to a general malaise amongst my friends, and we often joked about ‘The RNC buying the election.’ Alas, the malaise turned to concern as Bush took the country through a series of bad decisions: Tax cuts, Iraq, Katrina, Stem Cell research, Climate change, Anti-science agenda, and the like.

To top it off, McCain made a startling comeback in the bid for the 2008 Republican Presidential Nominee. This plot (taken from the Iowa Electronics Market website) illustrates the remarkable survival of Senator John McCain (seen in yellow).

Now more than ever we need new leadership, but with all the wrong turns in the past eight years, my cynical side can’t quite let go of the fact that something will go awry.

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